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Showing posts with label alcoholic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alcoholic. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Drama Triangle

Icarus Project

Is something I have done as an addict with emotional problems and codependent issues which perpetuated dependency on each of our parts (first with mom and me) then (male friend and me). It also involved some rescuing as took focus off each other. My part was acting like God and how I know what is best for you by being very controlling. At the same time others were my GOD so I didn't have to take responsibility for me and didn't trust my judgement. Such behaviour of changing from victim to rescuer to persecutor is called the Drama Triangle. I feel I help Bill, my friend as he doesn't do stuff for self like open mail. I have layed off alot and have made suggestions and not gotten angry and left for him to do or not. After I did stuff when didn't want to ..I felt resentment and took it out on him. He in turn would get angry with me if I backed off and did for self.

I also have been victimized in relationshps, on jobs and where i live by neighbors. Now is all can do about so I keep to self,ignore and avoid em. Seems to work. As for men I don't date as don't need to get close and they leave. As for jobs I work on own and trying to find model jobs .

For more on behavoior of triangel look here

Recovery Journey

Addiction ,Desperation ,Fear ,Hate, self Hatred,

Expectations, greed, lust, lack of self control,

dependence, neediness sadness, manipulation

,enablement to clear boundaries ,learning to say'no'

,self love, acceptance, respect,

assertiveness ,independence ,faith, discipline

My meditation video

In it I share how to do it,what kind of meditation this is,where to find out more info on it,the benefits of meditation and so on..Hope it helps you. :)